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FRIDAY MANIA - Australian Metal: The deafening sounds from Down Under

It has often been seen within certain areas a particular style of metal that flourishes, and in some cases even defines a certain scene. You have the Bay Area Thrash scene, Swedish Death Metal, Norwegian Black Metal, Greek Black Metal, German Thrash, and Florida Death Metal, just to name a handful. All of these groupings leave you with a perception of the bands from those countries or areas. What then is the perception you may get when you think of Australian metal? Do Aussie bands have a distinct sound that distinguishes them from the rest? I don’t think they do particularly, however some common characteristics would be integrity and authenticity, and a ferocious delivery as well. A good portion of the better known bands also seem to not stick to one specific style, but rather are a mixture of black, death, and thrash in some way.

Here is a list of 5 Australian bands you ought to know..

Portal is an experimental death metal band from Brisbane formed in 1994. They have lyrical themes in Abstract horror, Cthulhu Mythos, and Lovecraftian themes, and let me tell you that this band is absolutely devastating. Portal claim that their main musical influences in their formative years were Morbid Angel, Beherit and Immolation. Portal are chaotic, but keep a mysterious aura by obscuring their faces and their identities. Portal are currently on Canadian label Profound Lore alongside fellow Australian band Impetuous Ritual .


Vomitor are an extreme metal band also hailing from Brisbane.They have released 3 full lengths, 3 live albums, 2 splits, and 6 demos since their inception in 1999. They are a fierce blend of death and thrash and some black on earlier works. Vomitor are quite a bit off kilter, but in a good way. Their song structures are wacky and keep you engaged. Their first full length, “Bleeding the Priest” released in 2002, was more of a hearken to Sodom, but their latest release entitled “The Escalation” is more so heralding as a filthier Kill ‘Em All. Vomitor are aptly named as they are an absolutely disgusting thrash metal band - the way it should be.

Hobbs’ Angel of Death

Hobbs’ Angel of Death is one of the spearheading thrash bands from Melbourne. Lead by Peter Hobbs, HAOD plays a no bullshit, take it or leave it variety of thrash in the vein of Slayer. Hobbs’ Angel of Death has been active between the years of 1987-1996 and again from 2002 to the current day. HAOD has lyrical themes in Satan, Hell, History, Violence, and Sex. To me, this band is one of the coolest and most honest in the thrash realm.

Deströyer 666

Deströyer 666 were originally formed in 1994 in Melbourne, before relocating to Netherlands in 2001 and eventually to UK in 2003. They are a savage black thrash band that are well regarded by the worldwide metal community and are likely one of the most well known metal bands from Australia. Deströyer 666 currently have 5 full length albums. If you aren’t a Deströyer 666 fan already, they will appeal to you if you like Aura Noir, Absu, or Desaster.

Sadistik Exekution

Sadistik Exekution are a death/black metal band that was formed in Sydney and were active between the years 1986 and 2004 and briefly in 2009 for the inaugural Australian Heavy Metal Awards. Sadistik Execution have released 5 full lengths as well as 2 splits, a boxed set, and a compilation. This band is recommended if you like early Sepultura.

This was a short list in an ocean (har har) of killer Australian metal bands. Who are your favourite metal bands from Australia? Let us know in the comments!

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