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FRIDAY MANIA #9 - Hells Headbash fest, September 2-4, 2016.

I will never get tired of mentioning the main events happening around town when they are worthy of it. This week, I give emphasis to Hells Headbash, part 3. The forces of horror and evil come together to give birth to this three-day fest organized by one of the most valuable underground metal record labels in the States: Hells Headbangers.


Many are familiar with HHR, but if you are a newer maniac, or not much into the underground, here’s a quick rundown for ya… In the apocalyptic year 2000, three brothers joined forces to create what would soon turn into one of the most revered labels in the underground. Coming from a conservative, Christian family, the Horval brothers decided to follow their own path (and damn what a path), contradictory to what an all-American family might want for their kids: Metal.

Chase started buying CDs for cheap prices when he was fifteen-years old and would re-sell what he didn’t like to his brothers. They learned, they bought, the sold, they traded, until soon after, they decided to create a little label: Against all what-they-will-say, they named it “Hells Headbangers.”

Today, HHR is more active than ever! They have put amazing bands in the spotlight, such as Midnight, Nunslaughter, Destroyer 666, Profanatica, Inquisition, Acid Witch among so many others, always working with absolute dedication and passion for quality underground releases. HHR consistently release the most insane editions an album can have, and bring metal to your doors as fast as humanly possible. Haven’t checked out the label or distro? What are you waiting for? Click here to be teleported to their site, because: When you need metal…go to hell!!!



festival of the cult

Personally, I think this fest is more than self-promotion, but a testament to the bands they believed in from the beginning. How many of today’s bigger labels are paying attention and signing newer bands that other labels won’t take chances on in first instance? Labels like HHR, Iron Pegasus, High Roller, and Dying Victims are exposing the the best the international underground has to offer.

Hells Headbash started two years ago with the idea to have an open air cookout at the label’s warehouse. A few bands were asked to perform, and people had the ability to shop at the warehouse. The show wasn’t announced until a few weeks prior, and when 300 people showed up, the label was blown away!

They decided to organize something bigger and better for the upcoming year because it was also their 15th anniversary. The second bash was at the Agora Theatre in Cleveland, Ohio, where legendary bands such as Slayer have performed. More than a thousand people attended each day and many of the thirty-six bands performing said it was one of the best fests they have ever played (no joke!).

Speed Clothes is proud to support HHR and Hell Headbash part 3, featuring:


Acid Witch


Goat Semen

Hobbs' Angel of Death



Shed The Skin





Atomic Aggressor




Power From Hell


Void Meditation Cult


Grand Belial's Key




Perdition Temple


Rotten (UK)


Toxic Holocaust

Three days and three nights of unstoppable terror!!! High-density underground metal to pierce your ears!! But wait, there is more! Thursday, September 1st, at The Foundry in Lakewood, there will be a Hells Headbash pre-show with Bat, Necrophagia, At War, Destructor, Secred Few and Soulless. Click here for event info.


Don’t forget Speed Clothes will be vending at the event!! We were at Maryland Deathfest 2016, and now you will also be able to find us at HHB3. Also, my band Demona is performing on Saturday, the 3rd. So if you want to hang out, shop, and hear the best the metal underground has to offer, this is it, this is what you need.

And for the ladies… The weekend of the bash, two exclusive Metal Yoga classes will be led by badass Shannon, so if you wanna get rid of that hangover - for example - make sure attend this radical event that will for sure be an experience. Also, you’ll get some goodies and discounts for SC!

You know what to do. If you live in or around Cleveland, come to the HHB3 and bring your friends. If you live in another state and are looking for a good deal on a flight, you can check the best deals on this website. I use it all the time and find the best deals here!!

More information at Hells Headbash website, or at HHB3 Facebook Event page.

To make this even more exciting, I will be giving $25 OFF coupon codes to buy your 3-day-pass ticket for the next week. Come! Trust me, you’ll fucking get it!

Till next week,

Tanza Speed.

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