Hails Maniacs! Ok, before you begin chastising me for using the term Canuck, please know that I am 100% Canadian, born and bred and my...

FRIDAY MANIA - Enforcer Collection and Heavy/Speed Metal
I am coming at you this week with a blog about heavy/speed metal in anticipation of the upcoming Speed Clothes ENFORCER collection! We will

FRIDAY MANIA: The roots of death metal
A couple weeks back I wrote a post about Venom Inc. and mentioned about Venom being coined one of the pioneers of the black/speed metal...

FRIDAY MANIA - Australian Metal: The deafening sounds from Down Under
It has often been seen within certain areas a particular style of metal that flourishes, and in some cases even defines a certain scene....

FRIDAY MANIA: Venom Inc. - Not a second-tier cover band, but the full-on Venom assault!
I know a lot of you may have been seeing the name Venom Inc. going around and wondering what it’s all about. I have seen some people write o

FRIDAYMANIA #11 - Summer - August releases - Blowout sale
Summer has been phenomenal!! My personal favorite, August, was definitely THE summer month. We had a little road trip to Las Vegas and...

FRIDAY MANIA #10 - Pre-order Pestilence, Satyricon, Ghoul, Rigor Mortis and Sabbat. Nunslaughter is
Studs, spikes and spandex! Our speed army is continuing to grow and I want to thank you all for your support and loyalty. I am glad to...

FRIDAY MANIA #9 - Hells Headbash fest, September 2-4, 2016.
I will never get tired of mentioning the main events happening around town when they are worthy of it. This week, I give emphasis to...
SC Update!! News, upcoming: Satyricon, HHB 3.
Speed Clothes has a bunch of news ready to announce to you so sit tight! We got upcoming leggings and swimsuit of Satyricon, so hang...

FRIDAY MANIA #8 - Hollywood, L.A. / Venom inc. / Hiking to the Hollywood sign
Friday, unholy Friday!! You might be wondering why I skipped past week’s FridayMania, but I have an excuse, and a very good one: I went...